Employment Conditions of Wonosobo Regency August 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonosobo Regency

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Employment Conditions of Wonosobo Regency August 2023

Release Date : November 23, 2023
File Size : 1.11 MB


The working age population is everyone aged 15 years and over. In 2023 it will be 706,333 people. The working age population tends to increase along with the increase in population in Wonosobo Regency. From as many as 608,657 people in 2022.
  • The number of working residents in Wonosobo Regency in 2023 will be 494,085 people, with the largest proportion being those who work in the agricultural sector, followed by those who work in the services sector and finally the manufacturing sector. The composition is the same for 2022. In 2023 there will be an additional number of workers of 63,075 people or 8.93 percent of the total population aged 15 years and over that can be accommodated by existing job vacancies.
  • The working population in 2023 will be 494,085 people, most of whom work in self-employed status, then worker/employee/employee status is in second place, then with business status assisted by non-permanent workers/family workers/non-permanent workers.
  • TPAK indicates the large percentage of the working age population who are economically active in a region. There was a decrease in TPAK in 2023. Even though there was an increase in TPAK from 2021 to 2022. Wonosobo Regency TPAK in 2023 was 73.59 percent, a decrease of 0.96 percentage points compared to 2022, and an increase of 3.78 percentage points compared to 2021 .
  • Wonosobo Regency TPT in 2023 is 4.95 percent. This means that, among 100 people in the workforce, there are around four people who are unemployed. In 2023, TPT will decrease by 0.06 percentage points compared to 2022. Likewise, compared to 2021, it will decrease by 0.25 percentage points.
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