Wonosobo Regency Economic Growth in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonosobo Regency

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Wonosobo Regency Economic Growth in 2023

Release Date : April 4, 2024
File Size : 0.94 MB


The economy of Wonosobo Regency in 2023 based on the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices (ADHB) reached IDR 23,330 trillion and at constant prices (ADHK) in 2010 it reached IDR 15,406 trillion rupiah.
  • The economy of Wonosobo Regency in 2023 recorded positive growth, namely 4.30 percent. From the production side, growth was driven by most business fields, with the highest growth achieved by the Transportation and Warehousing business field which grew by 9.68 percent.
  • The largest contribution to GRDP according to Wonosobo Regency business fields in 2023 was achieved by Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries business fields amounting to 28.76 percent of the total ADHB GRDP.
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