Hotel Room Occupancy Rate Statistics of Wonosobo Regency 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wonosobo Regency

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Untuk mendapatkan data BPS silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jl. Mayjen Bambang Sugeng Km 2,2 Wonosobo, setiap hari kerja pukul 08.00 - 15.30 WIB

Hotel Room Occupancy Rate Statistics of Wonosobo Regency 2022

Catalog Number : 8403001.3307
Publication Number : 33070.2324
Release Date : December 8, 2023
File Size : 1.89 MB


Hotel Room Occupancy Rate Statistics of Wonosobo Regency2022 is an annual publication published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Wonosobo Regency. The data presented in this publication includes hotel room occupancy rates, number of guests staying, average length of stay, room nights used, guest nights stayed, and bed usage rates.
The data and information presented in this publication are obtained from the Monthly Hotel Survey (VHT-S) conducted by BPS every month in 2022 on all star hotels and some non-star hotels in Wonosobo Regency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Wonosobo (Statistics of Wonosobo Regency)Jl. Mayjen Bambang Sugeng Km 2

2 Wonosobo

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